The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto


Collection GalleryThe 1st Collection Gallery Exhibition 2013-2014 List of works

The 1st Collection Gallery Exhibition 2013-2014 List of works

Modern Art in the West from the Museum Collection I
― Development of the Figurative and Birth of the Abstractive (21 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
Aristide MAILLOL 1861-1944 Nude c. 1900  
Aristide MAILLOL 1861-1944 Nude Standing c. 1899  
Pierre-Auguste RENOIR 1841-1919 Mother and Child 1916  
Edgar DEGAS 1834-1917 Femme se peignant c. 1889-92 Deposited work
Odilon REDON 1840-1916 Bouddha dans sa jeunesse 1905 5/11-6/23
Odilon REDON 1840-1916 Jésus et la Samaritaine 1905 6/25-7/7
Odilon REDON 1840-1916 Fleurs dans un petit vase de grès c. 1910 Deposited work
Odilon REDON 1840-1916 Vase de fleurs 1900 Deposited work
Pablo PICASSO 1881-1973 Nature morte-Palette, chandelier et tête de Minotaure 1938  
Pablo PICASSO 1881-1973 Le Couvent 1910  
Pablo PICASSO 1881-1973 La Table 1910  
Pablo PICASSO 1881-1973 Madomoiselle Léonie 1910  
Pablo PICASSO 1881-1973 Madomoiselle Léonie 1910  
Henri MATISSE 1869-1954 Jazz 1947
Lucio FONTANA 1899-1968 Ceramic Plate 1963  
Joan MIRÓ 1893-1983 Project for Monument 1950
Piet MONDRIAN 1872-1944 Trees along the Gein c. 1903
Piet MONDRIAN 1872-1944 Composition (unfinished) c. 1916
Piet MONDRIAN 1872-1944 Composition No. 1 1929
Barbara HEPWORTH 1903-1975 Spring 1966
Johannes ITTEN 1888-1967 Glückliche Inselstadt 1965

Modern Art in the West from the Museum Collection II
 ― DADA Movement (56 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
David Davidovich BURLJUK 1882-1967 Gypsy Women 1920
Hannah HÖCH 1889-1978 Angst 1936
Hannah HÖCH 1889-1978 Gelbe Bahn 1919
Hannah HÖCH 1889-1978 Zeichnung mit Kreis 1922
Hannah HÖCH 1889-1978 Schnittmuster Konstruktion 1920-23/24  
Hannah HÖCH 1889-1978 Textilbaum 1954  
Hannah HÖCH 1889-1978 Die Braut c. 1933  
Kurt SCHWITTERS (1887–1948); Theo VAN DOESBURG (1983–1931) Kleine Dada Soirée: Programma [Small Dada Evening: Program] 1923  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Ohne Titel (Bild mit Wollball) 1942/45  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Ohne Titel (Rot auf Rot) 1928/30  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Ohne Titel (uf dem Karton) 1929/30  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Ohne Titel (Musestunden) 1942  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Why Not Sneeze Rose Sélavy?  1921/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 À bruit secret [With Hidden Noise] 1916/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 50 cc d'air de Paris [50 cc of Paris Air] 1919/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Peigne [Comb] 1916/1964  
ed. Eugène JOLAS 1894-1952 Transition no. 26 1937Winter  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Pliant de voyage [Traveller's Folding Item] 1916/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Porte-chapeaux [Hat Rack] 1917/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Roue de bicyclette [Bicycle Wheel] 1913/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 3 stoppages étalon [3 Standard Stoppages] 1913-14/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Trébuchet [Trap] 1917/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 In Advance of the Broken Arm 1915/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Fountain 1917/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Porte-bouteilles [Bottle Dryer] 1914/1964  
Marcel DUCHAMP 1887-1968 Fresh Widow 1920/1964  
Man RAY 1890-1976 Violin d'Ingles (posed by Kiki) 1924  
Max ERNST 1891-1976 Histoire Naturelle 1926  
Max ERNST 1891-1976 Personnages en colère 1927  
Hans ARP 1886-1966 7 Arpaden: Arp-Mappe (Merz. no. 5) 1923  
Hans ARP 1886-1966 Elemente 1950  
Hans ARP 1886-1966 Ceramic Sculpture Date Unknown  
Hans ARP 1886-1966 Ceramic Sculpture Date Unknown  
eds. Alfred STIEGLITZ (1864–1946); Paul B. HAVILAND (1880–1950); Marius DE ZAYAS (1880–1961); Agnes Ernst MEYER (1887–1970) 291, no. 1 1915/3  
eds. Alfred STIEGLITZ (1864–1946); Paul B. HAVILAND (1880–1950); Marius DE ZAYAS (1880–1961); Agnes Ernst MEYER (1887–1970) 291, no. 5/6 1915/7–8  
eds. Alfred STIEGLITZ (1864–1946); Paul B. HAVILAND (1880–1950); Marius DE ZAYAS (1880–1961); Agnes Ernst MEYER (1887–1970) 291, no.7/8 1915/9–10  
eds. Alfred STIEGLITZ (1864–1946); Paul B. HAVILAND (1880–1950); Marius DE ZAYAS (1880–1961); Agnes Ernst MEYER (1887–1970) 291, no. 9 1915/11  
Alfred STIEGLITZ 1864-1946 Opening announcement for the Modern Gallery 1915  
ed. Francis PICABIA  1879-1953 391, no. 6 1917/7  
ed. Francis PICABIA  1879-1953 391, no. 8 1919/2  
Marcel DUCHAMP (1887–1968);
Jean (Hans) ARP (1886–1966);
Clément PANSAERS (1885–1922);
Tristan TZARA (1896–1963);
Francis PICABIA (1879–1953)
691 1959  
Paul ÉLUARD (1895–1952);
ill. Max ERNST (1891–1976)
Répetitions [Repetitions] 1922  
Benjamin PÉRET (1899–1959);
ill. Max ERNST (1891–1976)
La brebis galante [The Gallant Sheep] 1949  
Francis PICABIA (1879–1953);
ill. Georges RIBEMONT-DESSAIGNES (1884–1974)
Jésus-Christ Rastaquouère 1920  
ed. Tristan TZARA 1896-1963 Dada, no. 2: Recueil littéraire et artistique [Dada, no. 2: Literary and Artistic Journal] 1917/12  
Tristan TZARA (1896–1963);
ill. Francis PICABIA (1879–1953)
Sept manifestes dada [Seven Dada Manifestos] 1924/25  
ed. Tristan TZARA 1896-1963 Dada, no. 6: Bulletin Dada [Dada, no. 6: Bulletin Dada] 1920/2/15  
ed. Hugo BALL 1886-1927 Cabaret Voltaire 1916/6  
Raoul HAUMANN 1886-1971 Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! 12 Satiren [Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! 12 Satires] 1921  
ed. Richard HUELSENBECK 1892-1974 Dada Almanach [Dada Almanac] 1920  
Kurt TUCHOLSKY  1890-1935 Deuschland, Deuschland über alles [Germany, Germany Over All] 1929  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Anna Blume: Dichtungen [Anna Blume: Poetry] (Die Silbergäule, vol. 39/40) 1919  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Elementar. Die Blume Anna Die neue Anna Blume. Eine Gedichtsammlung aus den Jaren 1918–1922 [The New Anna Blume: Poems and Prose from 1918–1922] 1922  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Anna Blume: Dichtungen [Anna Blume: Poetry]  1922  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Die Kathedrale: 8 Lithos von Kurt Schwittters [The Cathedral: 8 Lithos by Kurt Schwitters] (Die Silbergäule, vol. 41/42) 1920  
Kurt SCHWITTERS 1887-1948 Merz, no. 11: Typo-Reklame. Pelikan-Nummer [Merz, no. 11: Typo Advert. Pelican Number] 1924  

Commemoration of 50th Anniversary: MURAKAMI Kagaku (46 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Plants and Flowers of the Four Seasons 1912
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Evening Scene of Cherry Blossoms Viewing 1913
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kiyohime at the Hidaka River 
 Collection of the National
 Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
 Important Cultural Property
1919 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Hakogaki (note written by artist on box containing artwork) Date Unknown Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Top of a Massive Rock 1914 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Sketch for 〈Donkeys and Summer Grass〉 c. 1908 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Sadakuro c. 1914 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kinokuniya Bunzaemon and His Boat “Yurei-maru” 1915 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Tide 1918
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Han-Shan and Shin-te  c.1916 Deposited work 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Two Dancing Maiko-girls 1918 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Crags 1936 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Self-Portrait 1922 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Buddha Preaching 1924 Deposited work
Artist Unknown - Reference object for 〈Buddha Preaching〉 Date Unknown Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Statue of Kanzeon Bodhisattva 1930 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Peony 1933 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kanzeon-bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara) 1934 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Evening Glow in a Desolate Land 1934 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Summer Mountains 1931 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Peak of Mountains and Clouds 1934 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kannon-bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara) Holding a Willow Branch 1936 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Two Red Camellias 1934 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Buddha Awakened under the Linden Tree 1935 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Singing Birds in Autumn Valley 1937 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kanzeon Bodhisattva 1937 Deposited work 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Fudo(Acala) 1939 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kanzeon-bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara) 1939 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Autumn-tinted Mountain 1939
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Stone Gate Seen through Pine Branches 1939 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Study for 〈Pine Mountain Hazy in Clouds〉 1925 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Pine-covered Mountains in the Mist
 Collection of the National
 Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
1925 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Forest of early Summer 1923 Deposited work
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Autumn Forest 1921 Deposited work 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 White Camellias Date Unknown Deposited work 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Flatfish 1922 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Vegetables and Fruit c.1919 Deposited work 6/11-7/11
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Dancing Maiko 1920 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Season of Rice Planting 1912 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Ox Plowing a Spring Field 1916 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Standing Kanzeon-bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara)  Date Unknown Deposited work 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Rakan (Arhat) 1938 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Peony c. 1921 Deposited work 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Kannon-bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara) c. 1921 Deposited work 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Fish and Vegetables 1924 Deposited work 5/11-6/9
MURAKAMI, Kagaku 1888-1939 Strawberries c. 1918 Deposited work 5/11-6/9

Nojima Yasuzo, Photography (45 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Muddy Sea (#001/NY-A14) 1910
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 At Ooiso (#002/NY-A66) 1912
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 At Choshi (#005/NY-A49) 1915
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Woman Leaning on a Tree (#004/NY-A2) 1915  
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Woman Combing Her Hair (#003/NY-A1) 1914
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#013/NY-A3) 1920  
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#007/NY-A40-1) 1915
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Mr. Muneyoshi (Soetsu) Yanagi (#025/NY-A13) 1923
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Mr. Kazumasa Nakagawa (#024/NY-A12) 1923
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Boy with a Cold (#015/NY-A11) 1920
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Portrait of Mr. S. (#022/NY-A51) 1921
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#016/NY-A52) 1920
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#040/NY-A93) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#020/NY-A7) 1921
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#026/NY-A53) 1926
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Tree (#047/NY-A55) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Tree (#046/NY-A54) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Early Autumn (#045/NY-A141) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 In the Garden (#044/NY-A89) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#050/NY-A58) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Kazuko (#105/NY-A18) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Kazuko (#106/NY-A64) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Busshukan (Fingered Citrons) (#030/NY-A134) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#031/NY-A135) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#029/NY-A39) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Loquats (#033/NY-A137) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Water Chestnuts (#028/NY-A16) 1927
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#032/NY-A136) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Nude from Rear (#063/ NY-A24) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Nude Torso (#062/NY-A23) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#066/NY-A29) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Nude (#064/NY-A26) 1930
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#065/NY-A30) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#067/NY-A27) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#068/NY-A129) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#071/NY-A28) 1932
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#069/NY-A124) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (#070/NY-A31) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Legs (#072/NY-A32) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Title Unknown (Model F.) (#082/NY-A42) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Model E. (#111/NY-A123) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Mr. Pollack, Violinist (#113/NY-A86) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Mr. Koreya Senda (#117/NY-A133) 1932
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Model F. (#100/NY-A95) 1931
NOJIMA, Yasuzo 1889-1964 Ms. Chikako Hosokawa (#115/NY-A94) 1932

Japanese Modern Craft and Textile (23 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 10 plates, porcelain, each with a different pattern, underglaze blue and copper 1933
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Large ornamental jar with pattern of ferns, porcelain, overglaze enamels and gold 1960
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Ornamental jar with a line around the central part, porcelain, pattern of ferns, overglaze gold and silver 1960
ARAI, Kinya 1884-1966 Hexagonal flower vase, Gosu-style first half of Showa period
ARAI, Kinya 1884-1966 Octagonal Shaped Flower Vase, Gosu-style first half of Showa period
ARAI, Kinya 1884-1966 Spotted flower vase with ears, copper red glaze 1937
KAWAI, Unosuke 1889-1969 Jar with fern design 1959
KAWAI, Unosuke 1889-1969 Flower vase with bonnet bellflower design, celadon glaze 1935
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Covered vase, Raku-ware 1914
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Dish with willow tree and waterfowls design, slipware 1924
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Calligraphy "Byojoshin", hanging scroll 1963
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Bowl with handles, slipware 1922
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Bowl c. 1968
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Square Jar c. 1969
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Vase, white porcelain 1933
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Large porcelain plaque, pattern of bamboo thickets under the moon, underglaze blue and overglaze enamels and gold 1958
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Ornamental octagonal box with pattern of four-petaled flowers, overglaze enamels, gold and silver 1959
SUZUTA, Teruji 1916-1981 Kimono, design of birds 1976
SERIZAWA, Keisuke 1895-1984 Kimono, fans and umbrella design 1968
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Dayflower 1953
SERIZAWA, Keisuke 1895-1984 Tapestry, I-Ro-Ha (Japanese alphabet design) 1968
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Scroll of patterns 1959
TOMIMOTO, Kenkichi 1886-1963 Scroll of poems and patterns 1925

Kawai Kanjiro (25 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Rubbed Copy c. 1945
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Rhombic vase 1922
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase c. 1921  
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Water container 1922
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Flower vase c. 1922
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl 1921
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Square vase c. 1922
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Flower vase c. 1921
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Flower vase c. 1921
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase 1923
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl 1928
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl c. 1931
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl 1931
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl c. 1936
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl 1942
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase 1935
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Bowl 1935
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase 1938
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Covered box 1938
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase c. 1938
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase c. 1937
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase 1937
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Vase c. 1965
KAWAI,Kanjiro 1890-1966 Ceramic sculpture c. 1962
Bernard LEACH 1887-1979 Water container 1946 Deposited work

Japanese Modern Oil Paintings from the Museum Collection
― Selected Masterpieces around the Taisho Era (1912 - 1925) (16 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
UMEHARA, Ryuzaburo 1888-1986 Half-naked 1913
FUJISHIMA, Takeji 1867-1943 Flower Basket 1913
KISHIDA, Ryusei 1891-1929 Reiko Playing Samisen 1923
KOIDE, Narashige 1887-1931 Nude Lying (B) 1928  
YASUI, Sotaro 1888-1955 Seated Woman 1930
YOROZU, Tetsugoro 1885-1927 Landscape, Three-forked Road c. 1913
KURODA, Jutaro 1887-1970 Square de L'Observatoire 1917
SATOMI, Katsuzo 1895-1981 Spring in a Valley 1924
SAEKI, Yuzo 1898-1928 Advertisements at a Back Street 1927
SUDA, Kunitaro 1891-1961 Avila 1920
SAKAMOTO, Hanjiro 1882-1969 Clouds above Irrigation Canal 1927
KUNIYOSHI, Yasuo 1889-1953 Boy Feeding Chickens 1923
ISHIGAKI, Eitaro 1893-1958 Whipping 1925
FUMON, Gyo 1896-1972 Deer and Sunbeams 1919
NAKAGAWA, Kigen 1892-1972 Landscape 1920
MURAYAMA, Tomoyoshi 1901-1977 Sadistic Space 1921-22

Outdoor sculpture (7 works)

Artist   Title Date Note
ITO, Takamichi 1939– Revolving Ring 1976  
SAITO, Hitoshi 1948– Medium Forever 1992  
MASUDA, Masakazu 1931–1991 Folding Chair 1975  
KIKUTAKE,  Kiyoyuki 1944– The Tact 1981  
YAMAGUCHI, Makio 1927–2001 Bird in Crotch: Saddle 1974  
TSUCHITANI, Takeshi 1926–2004 Wind 1977  
UEDA,  Hiroaki 1928–1979 Work 1967  
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