展覧会ART RULES KYOTO 2008: 出演者略歴
ART RULES KYOTO 2008: 出演者略歴
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2006年6月24日 ニューヨーク近代美術館にて
- アレックス・マーレー=レスリー&メリッサ・ローガン(チックス・オン・スピード)
- チックス・オン・スピード(COS)の結成メンバー。1997年ミュンヘンで女子だけのヴィジュアル、パフォーマンスのグループを結成、楽曲発表や独自のレーベル「COSレコード」を設立。美術、音楽、舞台、ファッションなどのメディアを横断した創作活動のほか、カール・ラガーフェルドやジェレミー・スコットらファッション界の著名デザイナーとのコラボレーションを実現。テキスタイルのデザインも手がけ、エレクトロ・ロックをコンセプトとした家庭用品「OBJECTIFICATIONS」を制作中。2008年5月に5枚目のアルバムがCOSレコードより発売される。バルセロナ(マーレー=レスリー)、ハンブルク(ローガン)在住。
- Alex Murray-Leslie and Melissa Logan (Chicks on Speed)
- Chicks on Speed started in Munich in 1997 as an all-girl visual art and performance ensemble and band that produce music on their own record label, Chicks on Speed Records. They have toured live throughout the world, playing in venues such as MoMA (New York) in 2006 and the Pompidou Centre (Paris) in 2007, and performed at the Turner Prize at Tate Britain (London) in 2007. Recent solo exhibitions include: Chicks on Speed: It’s a Project, Deitch Projects (New York), 2004; Atelier COS, Kunstverein Wolfsburg (Germany), 2004; It’s not what you think, it’s the way you look, Kunstraum Innsbruck (Austria), 2005; Shoe Fuck!, CAC Vilnius (Lithuania), 2007; and Art Rules!, Yvon Lambert Paris, 2007.
- Chicks on Speed continually work in the mediums of visual art, music, theatre and fashion design, also having collaborated with Karl Lagerfeld on the cover of their music release Fashion Rules and with Jeremy Scott on a line of overalls. COS create art textile designs for small independent clothing companies, such as Crystal Ball in Japan and Insight in Australia, and are currently developing a collection of electro rock homeware, titled OBJECTIFICATIONS.
- http://www.chicksonspeed.com/
- http://www.myspace.com/chicksonspeed
- ダグラス・ゴードン
- 1966年スコットランドのグラスゴーに生まれる。グラスゴーとロンドンの美術学校を卒業。ヴィデオや写真、彫刻による作品を通じて生/死、善/悪といった普遍的な二元性の問題を扱う。世界各国の美術館で個展が開催され、ターナー賞(1996年)やヒューゴ・ボス賞(1998年)を受賞。テート・コレクション(ロンドン)、ニューヨーク近代美術館、ポンピドゥー・センター(パリ)、グッゲンハイム美術館(ニューヨーク)、スミスソニアン(ワシントンD.C.)などに作品が収蔵されている。2006年にフィリップ・パレーノとの共作による映画『ジダン 神が愛した男』が公開された。2006年のニューヨーク近代美術館での個展を機にCOSとコラボレーションを行い、以来ART RULESの世界ツアーに参加。ニューヨーク在住。
- Douglas Gordon
- Douglas Gordon was born in 1966 in Glasgow, Scotland. After receiving a B.A. at the Glasgow School of Art, Gordon undertook a graduate program at the Slade School of Art in London. Through his work in video, photography, and sculpture, Gordon addresses and explores universal dualities: life and death, good and evil. Since his first solo show in 1986, he has exhibited extensively throughout the world, including a 2001 retrospective organized by the Geffen Contemporary (Los Angeles).
- Gordon was the 1996 recipient of Britain’s Turner Prize, in 1997 was awarded Premio 2000 at the Venice Biennial, and in 1998 he was presented with the Hugo Boss Prize at the Guggenheim Museum in SoHo. He was also included in the SkulpturProjekte in Münster in 1997. His work is included in major public collections such as the Tate Collection (London), the Museum of Modern Art (New York), the National Museum of Modern Art Collections at Centre Pompidou (Paris), the Guggenheim Collection (New York), and the Hirschorn Museum and Sculpture Garden at the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.).
- More recently, Gordon worked in collaboration with Philippe Parreno on the film Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait, released in 2006. Beginning with his collaboration with Chicks on Speed on the occasion of his exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (New York) in 2006, he has participated in the international ART RULES tour. Gordon is currently based in New York.
- http://www.gagosian.com/artists/douglas-gordon/
- カティ・グラス
- ファッション学校を卒業した後、2001年以降COSの仕事に関わる。2006年よりCOSおよびART RULESの参加メンバーとなる。その他プラニングトゥロック(Planningtorock ドイツ/イギリス)やノー・リグレッツ・フォー・アワ・ユース(No Regrets for Our Youth イスラエル)との仕事がある。ベルリン在住。
- Kathi Glas
- Kathi Glas started to work with Chicks on Speed in 2001 after graduating from fashion school. Since 2006, she has been performing with COS and is a collective member of the ART RULES crew. She also works with Planningtorock (Germany/UK) and No Regrets for Our Youth (Israel). Glas is based in Berlin.
- http://www.georgieandtimmy-studio.de/
- Anat Ben-David
- Anat Ben-David has been a collaborative member of Chicks on Speed since 2003 and is a solo artist and musician based in London. She is an M.A. Fine Art graduate with distinction at Goldsmiths College, where she was awarded the Goldsmiths Art Purchase Prize for 2003. She has participated in shows including: Wonderyears at Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin), For All Audiences: Popaganda-installation at Sala Rekalde (Bilbao), Switch on the Power at Montermeso (Vitoria, Spain), Kiss Kiss Bang Bang at Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, Late at Tate at Tate Britain (London), and Imagine a World (organized by Amnesty International) at Bargehouse (South Bank, London). She also participated in the Serpentine Gallery Interview Marathon with Rem Koolhaas. Gallery shows include Yvon Lambert Paris and Kate MacGarry (London). Her solo album Virtual Leisure was released on March 28, 2007 on COS Records.
- http://www.yippieyeah.co.uk/anat/
- A.L. Steiner
- A.L. Steiner is a collective member of Chicks on Speed and is the co-editor/curator of Ridykeulous. Her photography, video, curatorial, and performance work was featured in 2007 at The Kitchen (New York), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid), the Pompidou Centre (Paris), Yvon Lambert Paris, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Taxter & Spengemann (New York) and Performance Space 122 (New York). Current and upcoming exhibitions include The Furious Gaze at Centro Cultural Montehermoso (Spain), WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center (New York), Making It Together at the Bronx Museum of the Arts (New York), Creative Imagination at the Aspen Art Museum (USA) and A New High in Getting Low at John Connelly Presents (New York). Steiner, based in Brooklyn, NY, is an instructor at the School of Visual Arts and is represented by Taxter & Spengemann in New York City.
- アディ・ナフマン
- ART RULESのプロデュースとマネージメントを担当。2004年以降COSの世界ツアーに参加し、ニューヨークやスペイン、ロンドンを巡回する。またプラニングトゥロックのデビューアルバム『Have It All』やテート・モダン(ロンドン)、ミラノ美術館、ポンピドゥ・センター(パリ)等で開催された展覧会、パフォーマンスの制作・発表に関わる。以前はジャーニーマン・ピクチャーズ(ニューヨーク)での映画制作、展覧会企画、放送局や雑誌等のデザイン・写真制作を手がける。プラハのFAMUアカデミー(映画・写真)とロンドン印刷大学(インタラクティヴ・マルチメディア)の修士号を取得。テルアビブ在住。
- Adi Nachman
- Adi Nachman produces and manages the ART RULES crew. She has been collaborating with Chicks on Speed since 2004 on art and music projects worldwide, including Deitch Projects (New York), MUSAC museum (León, Spain) and Tate Britain (London). She collaborated with Planningtorock on her debut album Have It All, as well as exhibition and art performances at Tate Modern (London), the Milan Museum of Art, the Pompidou Centre (Paris) and more. Prior to that, Nachman has worked in feature film production at Journeyman Pictures (New York), curated the exhibition Wonderyears at Künstlerhaus Bethanien and NGBK (Berlin) and done multimedia design and photography for the Design Council of England, Channel 4, the Israeli Broadcast Agency and various magazines. She gained M.A. Film and Photography from the FAMU academy (Prague) and M.A. Interactive Multimedia from the London College of Printing. Nachman is currently based in Tel Aviv, Israel.